@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar



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Qualified experts of Lemmy, do people believe you when you answer questions in your field?

The internet has made a lot of people armchair experts happy to offer their perspective with a degree of certainty, without doing the work to identify gaps in their knowledge. Often the mark of genuine expertise is knowing the limitations of your knowledge....

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Maybe the only bots are the replies claiming that other people are bots? 🤔

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I like it, but after reading this my brain feels like it needs a nap.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Honestly, that last one would be good enough for me. I think I already tip by the time I talk to and dasher though.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I assumed the dude was trafficking from somewhere in South America. He had a plane and liked to fly low because he didn't have his paperwork up to date.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

What till you hear that "hip hop" track that Ben guests on..... Or better yet just don't bother.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Hah. Yes that was actually funny.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Well conservatives have developed a desire for raw milk. They are passing laws to make it legal to sell raw milk in different counties. I found out because someone in my family is all about raw milk now. Even though they told me they were "deadly afraid" of the flax milk I was drinking. Idk man, I'm just trying to remove sugar from my diet.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I wouldn't say it's great. There is a mouth feel you need to get used to, if you drink it straight. I put it in my smoothies with fruits and veggies and can't tell the difference though.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

You can do cpr to the tune of Teardrops on My Guitar by Taylor Swift.

Well, I'm old. I was taught to use 'Stayin Alive' by the Bee Gees.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

It probably looks fine as long as you're not singing the lyrics.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

When they're uncovered 100 years from now, they'll think we shot lasers at each other.

Don't we though?

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I won't say that won't happen, but they will call back all the inactive reserves first. The 1st time you sign an active duty contract, you sign up for 8 years total. Everyone does. It normally is 4 years active and 4 years inactive, but sometimes it's 5 and 3 or 6 and 2.

They called people back in '02, '03 during OEF/OIF. It's easier to call people with prior training back then train 100% new one.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

That's right you have no consequences for 24 hours. Then you're body will start rejecting the implants.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

My own cells? Fuck that noise. If I'm rich I want a steak made from a Keanu Reeves, Idris Elba, Danny Devito, Sharika, or someone that's not my boring ass.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I was thinking that as well. They always focus on the spectacle.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Haha. This is a good one. They used to (maybe still) not allow 3rd party sellers like eBay, but Amazon has been used for a long time. I'm not sure why one was okay but not they other. Anyway, they would take a big operational hit, if they couldn't use Amazon.

Say a system goes down during a critical time, either training or a real mission. They need a part that they could order overnight and have it up by morning or maybe sooner if it's on that Amazon now thing. Or they could wait and try to source it out. Hope you can contact them, depending on the time. A lot of places that make equipment for the government have business hours. Depending on contracts and everything there would be a lot to get into, but the point is buying for Amazon is sometimes the best place to get the item from in a quick manner.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I agree and there is for certain known vital pieces that go down. Sometimes other parts go down or a part and the backup won't work.

The DOD has been trying to save money by lowering the on hand stock of the using unit and having most of what they need at a higher level. That higher level might be off and not able to support.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

This is funny to me. I just got told by my co-worker that Albanese is the best gummy candy and way better than everything else. I mentioned Haribo and he was not impressed. I tried the Albanese sour gummy worms and I have to admit were really good.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Hell yeah fam. I was gonna say that I never did crack and would honestly not know since I've done other drugs and I wouldn't bother comparing unless it's compared to the concept of sugar.

But Reese's is the shit and Reese's Pieces is my shit. I love eating it. You can put it in the fridge and it is fire. I even still like that mc chris song about Reese's Pieces and he has serious mental problems now.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I've been into gut health lately and I was thinking what if we are the microorganisms inside a bigger beings gut? This planet is just one part of it and in order for the universe to have a healthy gut we would have to terra form the planets and make healthy worlds. (I don't think we will actually do that. We are more likely to mine every other planet)

The universe's gut now looks like the typical American diet gut with ultra processed foods and not enough fiber/fermented foods.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

"Today a young man on acid realized that all matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration, that we are all one consciousness experiencing itself subjectively, there is no such thing as death, life is only a dream, and we are the imagination of ourselves. Heres Tom with the Weather."

Bill Hicks

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I see your point. I would be guilty of that mindset that a planet full of life (not necessarily human life) is superior to a dead rock.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

In addition to what other said for keeping themselves out of the public. For blackmail. Buy it and call up said rich person for a donation. Oh and by the way I got this book.....

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Note: I'm voting Biden.

I really think that he can't grow a spine on this. I really wish he could. For people that old (like trump) it is difficult to grow out of these old habits. It's like asking your grand parents to stop calling black people boy cause it's racist.

They don't want to understand. Growth is hard. The western world gave Israel a pass for so long because "we didn't really think the Holocaust was that bad till we got there." Now they can't see that Israel grew into a fascist state.

That is why I think we need younger people in charge and it frustrates me about our choice. Still obviously vote for Biden.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Not like my photo of a TV show I took because my wife wouldn't believe this puppy's name.


Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

You literally said Yes when he asked that question earlier. We can all read it.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I'm guessing he was referring to the actual practice of a gym doing something like that. I'm sure there is whatever statement in the gym contract that says that they can change access. I wouldn't know. I just use the gym in my apartment.

In practice, most businesses will work to accommodate you if there is a change like this and you can't adapt. Someone else mentioned that their gym has an app and it doesn't work all the time and have to use fobs still. Most managers will work with a customer and take care of the few that need extra attention.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

The only time I say those words, Noblesse Oblige, is when I joined a clan of the same name in Kingdom of Loathing. I was still confused then and we just called it NO.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Garage? Oh la te da Mr Frenchman.

Why? What do you call it?

A car hole.

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@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

It's about the same quality as Anchorman 2. Meaning it just seemed like a remake of the first movie. A lot of the scenes I watched and might have laughed a bit, but there was always a better scene from the first movie to compare it to. I think that took away from my enjoyment.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Dere-lick my balls will always be great.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Effort is the most important currency."

I like this one.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Animal shelter work, or do litter pick up in the woods or the beach.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I would use this, if I met people IRL that have heard of Lemmy.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Hah. That reminds me of a joke I use to play on my wife back when cars had cd players. After we got in the car, about once a month I would come up with

"Hey can you go and get that CD for the ride?"

"What CD?"

"See Deez Nutz."

is there a legal way to consume alcohol bought at a store, outside of a home, hotel room, etc.?

I'm thinking in the U.S. and Canada. For example, if you're on vacation, you've checked out of your hotel room and have several hours until your flight, and you have some cans of beer left over. I know you could sneakily drink them in a park or something, but I'm just curious if there's any way to do it that's legal.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I always assume those No Drunks rules is just to make sure the loud drunks stay quiet. Many people have a few drinks in the airport bar and stumble to the gate. As long as the drunk isn't being loud then they are mostly ignored.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

I think they got those already. Just search for autoblower.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

It is 100% a mental illness. Warning. I am not a doctor. I have thought about this for a while.

I see addicts like on Intervention, usually with drugs/alcohol, only want this one thing and will do any and everything they can to get it. Doesn't matter what they sacrifice. They want their vice.

(Side note most of the people in all of these shows, have some sort of emotional trauma they are working through).

My 600lbs life has this huge focus eating and consuming. But the peope need to fix themselves mentally, in order to make it through successfully. They have this desire to get more and more food, their vice.

Hoarders has all these people obsessively collecting things. Don't throw anything away, just in case we need it. These people end up walking over the things they own in order to move around their home. Some can't even sleep in their bed. They just make a spot on the floor They have so many things, but the problem is that it's never enough and they aren't even using the vices they collect.

Billionaires seem to have some of the same problems. Over collecting, singular focus, sacrifice any and everything for their vice. We are just more accepting of people being obsessed with money. Hell we build economies based on being obsessed with money. All of that to say, yes I agree that I think there is mental illness involved.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Are we doing recut horror trailers?

I always like Forest Gump.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

All of these are so good. The people that made them are very talented.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Sweet. I never actually seen the Shining, but I've heard enough references. I love the upbeat music and running through the hall.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

To add to this Science Vs did a podcast on the lack of affordable housing. It goes into the NIMBYs, the corporate ownership, local laws that make it hard to build multi-family units, and AirBnB. There are a lot of different factors and it might take time to see the results of fixing it because of this.


Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

If people were upset with that then they missed a lot of foreshadowing. "When a Targaryen is born the gods flip a coin."

I hated it because it felt rushed. They were tying up years long storylines too quickly because they wanted a piece of the Star Wars money. This led to them rushing through way too many stories and had the end result not make sense with a lot of other storylines. They ignored personal growth of the characters we followed just to get them to the ending that B&W wanted. That was my beef anyway.

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

A new one I heard from Nightcrawler, he probably quoted someone else...

"Love is best measured by the things we forgive. "

Notyou ,
@Notyou@sopuli.xyz avatar

Would you rather be on the astroid as it comes to Earth or would you rather hang around the impact zone and wait for it to hit?

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