@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar



Same great Dharma, new Fediverse packaging!

Check out DharmaCurious.org for ramblings on philosophy and the occasional creative writing project!

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DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I imagine it was probably larger before it was... Dried out.

Also, 8 inches by 2 inches is pretty fucking large. I say this as someone who has had 8 inches back there.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Generally, you should use a cloth tape measure to measure dick. There are instructions online if you look.

Also, 8 inches to the hilt is often not pleasant, so work with your partner and learn how deep your sigmoid colon is, and take it slow. Big ol' dick slamming into a wall is not fun unless you are very particularly into it.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Ooh, you don't happen to know a verse for this, do you? I've heard this before and tried to Google it, but my Google fu is lacking and I just end up finding right wing nut job websites.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Honestly one of my favorite jokes. I love the stupid horse into a bar format, the misdirect that it's going to be a deep philosophical joke, and the reveal reveal of a dad level pun.

I actually just used this a couple weeks ago in a discussion post for college.1000022068

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

When you say export, is there a tool for that for, like, mass exporting your subs? Or do I have to manually search each one and sub again?

I ask because I've been meaning to switch to my alt, but I made a point of subbing to as many communities as possible to make Lemmy more fun to use for me, and good lord, it's a lot to do.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Imagine if it just gets a leak in the head and you don't realize. Queef/fart from hell afterwards.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I've seen grocery stores with digital price thingies on the shelf in front of the items before. They'll probably switch to that it it ever became a legal issue. Some people, not me, would suggest, though I would never, that breaking those and shoplifting would be good and ethical responses to such activity. In theory. I'd never suggest that, though. All that businesses do is good, and a hundred quantbrillion lifted out of poverty and blah blah blah flag waving gif

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Anyway you could give me an ELI5 on what a nomadic identity is?

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I honestly used to love a traffic jam on the way to work. An extra hour I wasn't at work, just chillin' listening to my music, not being at fucking work. It was great. If traffic was completely stopped, like put it in park, turn off the ignition stopped, then it was Netflix on my phone time baby.

Traffic jams on the way home suuuucked though. At the time real time traffic info in my area was spotty at best, though. Almost impossible to use as an excuse now.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

This was going to be my suggestion. But even day time is good for this. I did security for 12 years. The vast majority of jobs are sitting on your ass watching movies on your phone. Couple tips if you go the security route:

Security is different in each US state (if you're in another country this whole thing is gonna be meaningless). In some states it requires a 40 hour course, in others a 10 minute training class. it varies widely, find out what your states guidelines are.

If you get certed for security, you'll never want for a shitty, low paying job. If you get fired, there's another job around the corner. But, contracts change a lot, so don't get too attached to any one post.

Gate guard is primo. You normally get a shack, you're normally alone, and you normally deal with people only during shift changes. That means 6 hours of an 8 hour shift are totally yours.

Hospital security SUCKS.

If you need extra cash, concerts and other events pay well, and you get to listen to live music for free.

If you live anywhere with Weather™ put a change of clothes, food, sleeping bag and other gear in your car. I once got stuck on a post, snowed in, for 4 days.

Keep shit in your car in general. A steam deck is awesome, a switch is good.

If you're on a post with another person, like 2 guards in a tiny shack for 8 hours, make sure you're upfront about if you're an intro/extrovert. Most guards have been doing it for long enough that they truly don't care if you don't wanna speak at all in 8 hours, they just wanna know up front where their plans should be. Nothing more irritating than thinking you're gonna have a friend for a day and end up bored because you didn't bring your stuff with you (which is why you should keep it in your car), or thinking you're going to have a day to catch up on school/video games/shows and you can't get 5 minutes to yourself because the other guard won't STFU

You are not a cop. Don't act like a cop. You aren't even Paul blart. You're a person in a uniform made of old trash bags whose whole job is to get an insurance discount for the company you're posted at

The guard shack almost never has cameras, and for some reason, people on tinder/Grindr are freaking wild about hooking up in a guard shack

ETA: only thing better than gate guard is posts where they want you to park your own car and sit in it for your shift. You just sit in your car all day/night. Which means your own sound system, and basically everything you wanna bring with you at your fingertips. It's awesome.

Also, midsize semi local security companies are better. Securitas and similar companies are kinda shitty, and the really small ones are always, like, weirdly militant. If you happen to be in Tennessee or Virginia I can probably hook you up with a company that'll get you a good post.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

You and I would get along I feel.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

An amethyst crystal I found in my (gravel) driveway a full 4 years after moving in. It's a good 8 inches/20cm long, and shaped like a tear drop. It's amazing and I love it.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I'm down to be Internet crafting buddies! :D

Also, if you're at all lefty and within a reasonably drive of a major city you can probably find a group of anarchists or communists who still do quilting bees and crafting bees. A lot of what I know I learned from people who absolutely do not look like they'd be sewing and knitting. Haha. Spike mohawks and full punk vibes, plus knitting needles and gossip. It's awesome.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Hey, sorry I haven't replied. I switched to a different account (@dharmacurious) and haven't checked this one.

I've been doing a lot of sewing. Mainly dog toys and pillows for making life a little more comfy :)

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Any suggestions on a different instance to move to? Preferably something smaller. I switched from world to this one because of outages during the Rexxit or whatever the hell it was called.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Beautiful doxies. I have 3, they're such amazing creatures.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I am ashamed to admit I have never tried this, and just learned to throat the hard way. :/

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

This one is rough, but have y'all heard of Stouffer's stuffing? D:

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

My guess, kami. Definitely kami.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

These are clearly characters from studio ghibli's take on Night at the Museum.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I'm both of these people. I like foots. But also, I have terrible foot pain due to high arches, and have had mostly jobs where I'm on my feet for hours. I will talk insoles and inserts whenever possible, as a way of helping people with foot pain. What I do not do is have any interest in talking foot stuff as a kink/fetish. Kink and fetish are reserved for consensual bedroom (or camping) times. There's no connection between the foot pain convos and the foot kink whenever that happens. People who try to stealth their way into nonconsensually getting people to play into their kink are creepy, and not good people.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

You're normal, you're just not usual. Also foot fetish is, like, the most standard fetish at this point.

Plus which, feet can be sexy as hell.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I see a lot of jokes about knee fetish in this thread. I dated a dude with a knee kink. It was disconcerting at first, but being the enlightened, nonjudgmental being I am, I went with it. Wasn't my thing at all, but honestly, the best word to describe it was inoffensive. He mostly just wanted to rub them, and occasionally get kneed in bed. Very meh experience.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Up until a few ago I was getting my inserts from a local place, you put them in hot water and then stand on them for a couple minutes until they cool and harden.

Then I got insurance that covered them. The difference it makes is insane. I lost that insurance 2 years ago, and I've been alternating the 3 pair trying to get them to last as long as possible. At this point there's not much left of them, but they're all I've got. It's 200 bucks for my next set (3 pair), and I'm gonna have to figure that out soon.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Dammit, now I gotta start looking for shoulder blade porn, cause that is sexy...

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Yeah, they 3d scanned my feets. The new insurance pays some, just not sure how much. 200 is the out of pocket.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Every government functions under an ideology. Capitalism is an ideology, democracy is an ideology, socialism, anarchism, liberalism, conservativism, they're all ideologies. An ideology is just a set of ideals.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Reread what I wrote. Every government functions under an ideology. Governments do not exist in a vacuum, they are a collection of people, and those people have a more or less unified set of ideals on how their society should function. Yes, ideologies exist only in the mind, but governments are a physical manifestations of that mental construct. Even when there is a major disagreement within a government, such as the division in the US currently, it's still a difference of degrees. No one in the the US government is outside of capitalism, even so-called socialists like Bernie Sanders. The US government functions under the ideology of capitalism. The Cuban government functions under the ideology of socialism. Even if you argue that Cuba isn't actually socialist, they still function under the ideology of socialism. Governments exist because of those mental constructs.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I just finished TLA. I'd never seen it, and now I have, and it's gone, and my life feels empty. Why would you bring this up? Why would you hurt me so?

Korra is good, but it doesn't hit the same, and 70 years is not enough to fully industrialize a society.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Getting my bachelor's online, and I just had to use Chicago style for the first time. I'd only used APA before now.

Holy shit did I love it. Erhmhagerd, it was so great.

[Question] - What are things you like to cook that are better the second day?

I find most foods are best as soon as they are made, but some things seem to get better when the flavors have more time to meld. The only two I can think of right now are chili and hummus. What other dishes am I forgetting, or haven't tried that you think get better with a little time?

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Honestly, almost everything. I like most food better as left overs. Especially if it's hot/spicy. It tends to get spicier overnight.
Also marinara based foods do really well, like lasagna, manicotti, spaghetti, et cetera.

My favorite has to be our way of doing taco meat. A bunch of diced tomatoes (normally canned, sometimes fresh), and diced chili peppers, like jalapeños, poblanos, hatch chilis, habaneros, et cetera, spices and ground beef. Lightly fry the corn tortillas and eat. But I always make enough to have the next day, because after it's sat overnight, it's so much better.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Probably should have mentioned I use the air fryer to reheat most things. I have a microwave, but it doesn't get a lot of use anymore. I don't actually have a proper range/oven anymore.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

I know it's not, but it would be excellent cover art for Hello in There by John Prine

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Our family's was "freckle past a hair and time to get a watch"

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Oh my God. Okay, so I have to DM a campaign starting next month. I am not an experienced DM, and ive been trying to figure out what I want my world to be like.

I've just figured it out. It's gonna be a steam punk style world, but instead of being alternate Victorian era based on steam tech, it's gonna be alternate Middle ages based on the vampire piston engine. Perpetual slurry sealed it for me. OMG, the outrage is gonna be real, and I love it!

Now, the question is, which of the deities/religions is gonna represent the Catholic Church (who is the main driving force behind the vampire slurry engine)...

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

Yes! OMG, this is gonna be great!

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

You say this, but you've never seen me try to math

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

If you claim you have a religious for needing them back (reunification being pretty common, as in, you need them so you can be buried with them) then they will run their tests, and give them back to you if they're not a hazard.

My brother used this to keep his gallbladder, and a friend of a friend kept her foot after diabetes took it.
Both examples in Tennessee. I don't know if it matters which state you're in, but I'm positive the country would probably make a difference.

Plus, I think it's funny the idea of some medical person somewhere trying to square their incredibly narrow view of religion with a trans woman being so devout in their own faith as to be concerned about burial practices potentially decades in the future, given the stereotype that everyone LGBTQ+ is an evil atheist.

DharmaCurious ,
@DharmaCurious@startrek.website avatar

The scene with the wounds on his hands, something like:

"does it hurt?"

"Not really"

Pours salt in wounds "Does it now?"


Breaks thermometer into the wounds "how about now?"

"A little"

"Aww! Poor baby!" Bandages wounds

That scene has played on a loop in the back of my brain for decades. It's fucking hilarious. That and when the evil master reveals his name is Betty, and plays Big Butts. I loved that movie before I started smoking weed, and I loved it even more the first time I watched it stoned.

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