@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar



An anarchist here to ask asinine questions about the USSR. At least I was when I got here. Alt accounts Erika2rsis@lemmy.blahaj.zone Erika4sis@lemmygrad.ml

she/xe/it/thon/{ꙮ|seraph} | NO/EN/RU/JP

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. View on remote instance

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

"Have these gentlemen ever SEEN a" yadda yadda

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar
  • Thumb-Key — A flick keyboard for mobile phones; a FOSS alternative to MessagEase created by Lemmy's own Dessalines. It's not perfect, neither was MessagEase, but for what it is it's pretty damn good and definitely beats using a mobile QWERTY keyboard.
  • Ibis — A federated wiki created by Lemmy's own Nutomic. It's currently pretty barebones with little activity, but I'd like to see more interest in the project so that it can grow and improve. I think it has a lot of potential.
Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

is there a point where I will be so comfortable as to not need to fear misspelling something without this crutch of autocorrect?

I can't speak for how long it will take you specifically, but yeah, I absolutely think you can get to that point. I don't really remember how long it took me to learn, but it couldn't have been more than a few weeks, and I think I had some factors which were working to my advantage, anyways. Have you adjusted any of the settings?

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

That's a bit mean, I think Lemmy is pretty good all things considered.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

The key just to the left of the # key, i.e. the A key in the default Thumb-Key layout, should have a ▲ for the upward swipe. That swipe is how you get into shift mode. Swipe up on that key again to enter caps-lock; swipe down on that key to release the shift/caps-lock.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I could say that bourgeois ownership of media and academia and the state means that those institutions will represent the biases and interests of the bourgeoisie, and so people in first-world capitalist countries end up living in a sort of self-propagating anti-communist media bubble; but the thing about propaganda is that people are rarely ever truly "tricked" by it, propaganda is always most effective when it reinforces something that someone already believes on some level.

This is why the second part to building anti-communist sentiment has to do with super-exploitation, imperialism, and the labor aristocracy. This is to say, workers in first-world capitalist countries are materially invested in capitalism, through various perks and "treats" that workers of "poorer" countries are deprived of. By being materially invested in capitalism, workers of the first world are primed to take on a sort of "bourgeois mindset", as it were.

There's more that can be said, too, I'd strongly recommend listening to this speech by the leader of Revolutionary Grenada, Maurice Bishop, but I think that's a good start...

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Du høres ut som meg når jeg var 15. Har du faktisk lest Marx og disse "andre teoretikerne"?

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

och jag är faktiskt 15.

For en tilfeldighet! Jeg kan respektere ærligheten, i det minste. Jeg virkelig burde slutte å tenke at alle på Internett er like gamle som meg.

Jeg virkelig ville anbefalt å lære mer om Marx og Engels sine idéer, for eksempel Engels skrev "Om autoritet" (svensk oversettelse her — veldig kort!)

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Wasn't it obvious from the literal start that that person was Irish‽

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

*exasperated sigh*

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I'm just gonna be honest, you're being cringe right now. "No it's not my fault I mistook this person's nationality, it's their fault for coming across to me as the wrong nationality" — no, just own up to your mistake, for God's sake, it's not hard. Preferably you wouldn't have made the mistake in the first place — you might've even been able to avoid it if you'd just read more carefully, given it even a second longer of thought, and weren't so quick to make assumptions.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Please don't think that I'm necessarily agreeing with your stances and attitudes and so forth, but do think that I find ShimmeringKoi to be kind of embarrassing right now.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I only just realized that "ETA" in Internet comments stands for "edited to add"

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

This reminds me of that TEDx (I think it was TEDx) talk where the guy claimed that you could see the letters E=mc^2^ in the Devanagari symbol for Om, as if this revealed some sort of profound truth about the universe.

The funny thing is that that's literally all I remember about that talk. I don't remember what the guy was talking about for the ten to twenty minutes before that point, just that the talk concluded with him looking super self-satisfied while saying something incredibly silly and cringeworthy.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Another banger headline from the Wet Water Times

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

As your home instance is Lemmygrad, I shall tell you how to add your pronouns on that instance.

Go to your account settings, and under "display name" type the name you wish to be known as, followed by your pronouns in brackets or parentheses. There is a character limit for display names, however, so if you use many different pronoun sets, you may need to choose just one or two for your display name, and include the rest in your bio.

On my own main instance, Hexbear, there is a separate field for pronouns in the settings, a drop-down menu above the display name. This feature seems to be unique to Hexbear, however.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

“Now, no one — certainly not me — is discounting the power of markets,” Sullivan noted at the time. “But in the name of oversimplified market efficiency, a large non-market economy had been integrated into the international economic order in a way that posed considerable challenges.”

"Despite the best that has been done by everyone [...] the war situation has developed not necessarily to Japan's advantage,"

US says Israel has not violated international law during Gaza war ( www.aljazeera.com )

After Israel killed seven aid workers in Gaza, the US says it has not found any incidents of Israel violating international humanitarian law in the past six months. An Al Jazeera probe concluded the World Central Kitchen vehicles were deliberately hit.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

John Kirby's just trying to figure out whether or not he's become a real boy yet. pinocchio-evil

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Any headline that ends in a question mark can be answered by the word "no", and any headline that includes the word "could" should probably be appended with "but all things considered most likely won't"

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

The fact that I can recognize that picture even with my instance's default blur filter over it

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Why the heck would it be referring to the Israeli special forces? It's obviously in reference to Thoth.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I'm honestly curious about what abuse potential this has compared to other federated platforms, because "it could be used to host dox" is a complaint that I've heard about Lemmy as well.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

as they say - shoot for the stars, and you may just land on the moon.

I've only ever heard, "shoot for the moon, [and] even if you miss you'll land among the stars", which is the phrase as it was first said by Norman Vincent Peale. But maybe swapping "moon" and "stars" is a common enough variant of the phrase that I just haven't heard before.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I can see why. Although the stars occupy a larger portion of the sky, they are also further away than the moon. So either version of the phrase makes sense in its own way.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Nazi forum

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

It is now only a few days until my laptop gets a new charger, which means that it is now only a few days until I install Linux Mint for realsies for the first time and go absolutely got dang crazy customizing it into the most absolutely horrendous and ridiculous mix of 2000s nostalgia and weeb shit and communism and eclectic personal creativity and whatever else that I can think of. It's going to be glorious.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Isn't this just the plot of Sluga Naroda except with Russia instead of Ukraine

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

Container housing? What is this, Nunavut? Haw haw haw haw!

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

“…also every 39 minutes they stab your balls”

구글, 조선으로 어떻게 이주하나요?

Where can I learn more about Native Americans before during and “after” colonization?

All my life, from when I was a little Republican shitstain to now, I always had a soft spot for the Native Americans. No rationale or so-called “nuance” ever made what the settlers did okay. In school we didn’t learn much about the Native Americans. We learned a tiny bit about their infrastructure and where they would...

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

There are two YouTube channels I like about American Indian / Native American history. One is called Indigenous History Now (Invidious mirror) and the other is called Ancient Americas (Invidious mirror). Both of these focus on more long-form content.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I feel like there’s no age where dressing up and knocking on doors becomes inappropriate. It’s fun, it can increase social cohesion in a community, there’s no reason for adults not to be a little silly, yadda yadda. Already now it’s perfectly acceptable for an adult attending trick-or-treating children to dress up as well, but I think adults alone or in adult groups should be allowed to dress up as well.

But then there’s the “asking for candy” part… Now I don’t think there’s any age where people should stop eating candy, either — but when you have the ability to easily buy (or even make) your own candy, then maybe it’d be a better idea to start giving out your candy to the houses you knock on, if you still want to go out in costume.

I dunno, just a thought. I wouldn’t tell your sister to stop, though. We’re all a little weird at the end of the day.

Erika3sis , (edited )
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

My friend, you’re on the fediverse and saying that a single website would be the best way to achieve this. I think that decentralization such as federation or peer-to-peer would be a much better way to achieve a pirate’s utopia, because the decentralized approach guarantees that even if one part falls, the whole will remain.

That aside, if I can talk about “What other features would make the ideal file sharing site?” — for a pirate video streaming site in particular, my number one feature would easily be community-contributed subtitles. In the list of subtitle tracks, each track would have two checkboxes, one for text and the other for TTS (this would be used for audio description and makeshift voice-over dubs). For rarer languages without reliable TTS, users would be encouraged to submit voice recordings, which might be anonymized with AI to sound like the TTS voice.

Subtitling would be done with a danmaku-esque system, so that people can choose to contribute just a few pieces here and there and wait for other contributors or continue later, rather than just one person needing to subtitle everything. Users might be able to rate subtitle tracks based on quality and completeness, too. A system of upvotes and downvotes on individual subtitles, as well as both manual and automated moderation, would prevent abuse.

Erika3sis ,
@Erika3sis@hexbear.net avatar

I just want a picture of a got dang hot dog

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