bibliolater , to histodon group avatar

Napoleon’s Nazi Funeral

One dark and snowy night in December 1940 in German-occupied Paris, a strange funeral took place when German soldiers carried the coffin of Emperor Napoleon II into Les Invalides. Why was a Napoleon receiving a Nazi funeral?

length: ten minutes and three seconds.

@histodon @histodons

bibliolater , to linguistics group avatar

“Four factors are found to be significant predictors of the position of primary stress: endings, word complexity, the segmental structure of the final syllable, and syllable count. Moreover, this study confirms previous observations on the tendency for American English to have more final stress in French loanwords than British English.”

Dabouis, Q. and Fournier, P. (2024) ‘Stress in French loanwords in British and American English’, Journal of Linguistics, pp. 1–26. doi:


appassionato , to palestine group avatar

“Don’t be afraid of those who want to prevent you and silence you and do not stop supporting the Palestinian people… we must stop this government’s support for .”

“As said, ‘When the government violates the rights of the people, is for the people, and for each portion of the people, the most sacred of rights and the most indispensable of duties’.

“We will never stop defending the Palestinian people!”

French MP Thomas Portes


booktweeting , to bookstodon group avatar

A BUTCHER’S OBSESSIVE DEVOTION to his craft leads him to the edge of madness in this marvelously evocative, enigmatic French novel. B PLUS


kenthompson , to bookstodon group avatar

In Search of Lost Time (book 1: Swann’s Way), by Marcel Proust.
You are thinking a lot about your (late 18th century) childhood, in an astounding amount of detail, where love of various kinds happens all around you, but to your recollection not satisfactorily for you, at least per your memories.

PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French avatar

«Soutenues bruyamment par les ministres de la justice, de l’intérieur et de l’enseignement supérieur, des centaines de procédures-bâillons ont été lancées en pour des propos ou des écrits considérés comme soutenant le terrorisme. Ces procédures sont dans la plupart des cas en suspens, mais menacent des centaines de personnes. Et au-delà, l’expression de la »,7311

xynthia , to Monde French avatar

France-Chine : quand l’Élysée entrouvre ses portes au Tibet avant de recevoir Xi Jinping


Avant de recevoir le président chinois les 6 et 7 mai en France, Emmanuel Macron a accueilli le chef du gouvernement tibétain en exil le 30 avril.

bibliolater , to histodon group avatar
bibliolater , to histodon group avatar
bibliolater , to histodon group avatar
Miro_Collas , to palestine group avatar

UK surgeon who described Gaza ‘massacre’ denied entry to France | France | The Guardian

This is not how supposedly democratic states should behave. Shameful to say the least.


faab64 , to palestine group

Dr. Ghassan Abusita, English-Palestinian:

  • Charles de Gaulle Airport authorities prevent me from entering France even if I give a speech in the Senate today.
  • The airport officials told me that has banned me from entering Europe for a year.

@palestine @israel

oatmeal , to palestine group avatar

/ Students begin new wave of protests against Gaza war after US arrests

“now is the time to act”

Protests were held at least six universities, including Sheffield, Bristol, Leeds, and Newcastle, with others expected to follow suit.

Some universities, such as the University of York, have already taken steps to address students' concerns by announcing that they no longer invest in companies that primarily make or sell weapons and defense-related products.


oatmeal OP , avatar

[cont’d] / Campus protests over the war in Gaza have gone international

[…] Student groups in the , and — among others — have sought to erect what many of them are terming "solidarity encampments," prompting a variety of responses from university authorities and local law enforcement.


emdiplomacy , to Historikerinnen group avatar

10 Jean-Claude Waquet: Continuous Change, Final Discontinuities: the Development of French Diplomacy (1/6)

@historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

emdiplomacy OP , avatar

@historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

He argues that continuously changed over the centuries, which can be seen as a sign of modernisation.
While was originally regarded as part of a more general service to the king, it slowly developed into a more specialised field of activity. From this the need to a much more profecient education of arose. (3/6)

emdiplomacy OP , avatar

@historikerinnen @histodons @earlymodern

However, these changes were not introduced against, but within the existing system, often by those in charge. Therefore, elements of a more professionalised system co-existed with patronage relations. Waquet argues that we should speak of “a gradual internal transformation rather than of a permanent conflict between old and new”. (4/6)

plink , to News avatar
PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French avatar

« TRIBUNE. Après la convocation d’Anasse Kazib, militant syndical SUD Rail et porte-parole de Révolution permanente, près de 700 personnalités politiques, syndicales, militantes, et intellectuelles, en et à l’international, appellent à «faire front», contre la criminalisation du . »


xynthia , to Monde French avatar

Du Rwanda à la Palestine: d’un génocide à l’autre, quelles responsabilités des États occidentaux dont la France?

@monde - 📣

xynthia , to Monde French avatar

En plein conflit Iran-Israël, Benoît Pélopidas, spécialiste en savoirs nucléaires, évoque notre « vulnérabilité » face à la menace d’une guerre atomique.

@monde -

"Mon équipe a découvert que certaines explosions avaient été évitées non grâce au succès de pratiques de contrôle, mais par ce que j’appelle la chance [...]

PariaSansPortefeuille , to palestine group French avatar

« [F]ace à l'ampleur des crimes commis par l'armée |ienne et au nombre significatif de Français combattant aujourd'hui dans ses rangs - estimé à plus de 4 000 -, il existe une probabilité importante que certains aient pu commettre ou participer à des crimes au regard du » - , juriste

La schizophrénie politique et juridique de la lui fait du tort



pierre_dv , to jobsecoevo group avatar

I am looking for candidates for 54-months (!) Lead resarch technician position, working on my project, developing haplotagging methods, managing data and helping with field work. More information here :

Exciting opportunity to work in Paris, in the middle of the Jardin des Plantes, with a great (and humble) supervisor.

Please boost!


pierre_dv , to jobsecoevo group avatar

I am looking for candidates for 2-years position, working on my project, developing a new statistical method to infer the distribution of the effect sizes of QTL. More information here :

Exciting opportunity to work in Paris, in the middle of the Jardin des Plantes, with a great (and humble) supervisor.

Please boost!


booktweeting , to bookstodon group avatar

A PERSONAL REINVENTION REVISITED with added layers of distance; French writer Édouard Louis retells the story of transforming himself from a poor village boy to an elegant Parisian autobiographical novelist. Thought-provoking yet a bit artificial. B PLUS


LALegault , to Random avatar

The will not be addressed until the wars stop, and now Macron is trying to escalate one in Europe while America is distracted in the Middle East. We are inheriting a disaster because of old & tired leaders with no real future vision, grasping to power.

darkandandstormy , avatar

@LALegault What's the role of EU in 's genocide? With Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, two Irish members of European Parliament.

First half on , second half (27:35) on @palestine

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