@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar



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MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I was wandering that too. Art is art. I can apreciate without voting dor it

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Thank god I'm not the only one that found this comment stupid.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Agree but art is subjective. He is a nepo baby to begin with, and a white straight rich man, so does he have more oportunity for exposure?! For sure! But again that does not devalue art. Maybe for someone this is good enough, idk

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Thats was my point exactly. Michael Jackson has a lot of good music, Kevin Spacey's Keyser Söze is an amazing character... You can and I think should separate man from art.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I bet you're not even gona fap to that

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Oh I love this! but without the butter. I don't add bread either

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Love it! That's my dark secret. I enjoy eating chocolate sprinkles without anything else lol

What reading style do you consider more tedious to read, A) short, concise, and precise, but using non-layperson vocabulary, B) using layperson vocabulary, but it's longer, drawn out, and not precise?

I've seen a lot of people on here be teased for difficulty expressing themselves. Either people complain "you're using big person words to describe mundane things" when they're aiming for precision or "woah, we don't need that damn wall of text" when they're aiming for clarity. It's like people just want to complain.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

If you can only express yourself in those 2 extremes you have a bigger problem than lemmy

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

The proportion silverback x human hight is correct?! Are they that huge?! Fuck it

also poor dude

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

You don't have the guts to do what you must human, accept your fate

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I used boost for Reddit and use Boost for lemmy since day one (of the app) I love it.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I love horror and fiction since I was very young so it's very hard to make me feel uncomfortable but this short did it. I kept having nightmares about this for a week

The curve

It's like you know you're gonna die and there is nothing you can do but YOU have to give up.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I'm an IT auditor. "What the fuck?" is the main question, we ask it daily

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Mostly cybersecurity strugles. If you invest millons in a castle with a gigantic lock and a pit full of piranas, would you leave the service entrance open and give everyone in town the key? Yeah, more commom than not.

But an IT audit is only necessary if your company goes public or is the owner wants it, maybe if you are a tech company.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Oh so so much of "dude you mande this rule up, you reviewd this document, why is this process nothing like this?!

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

there are 2 types of rules, or controls as we call it: Legal requirements and internal policies. The first one is clear there are legal requirements in place and you have to be in compliance with. The second one is where I get the most wtfs.
Internal policies are rules the company itself crated and said had to be followed. For example let's say you are the IT manager of your company and you discover that everyones password to you system is 1234. You go out and look for market best practices and create a policy saying "All passwords must contain 6 numbers and 2 letters". For this to be official you write it down and "publish" it internally.

Now, me as an auditor go there, look at the rule you created and check if it's really in place or if you just wrote because. A lot of times it's not. The company creates the rule but forgets or just postpone implementing it

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I have a zero child policy. It's great!

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

What do you mean? I see nothing wrong, just regular cats

MissJinx , (edited )
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I wish. I'm too poor to be vegan.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

No dude, to poor to even buy food sometimes. I have to eat with the money that I have at the time. If there's a promo on the frozen burger tha't what I'm eating. Yes too poor for vegetables. I'm sorry if some of us are poor. You may not think so but being vegan or even only vegetarian IS a luxury

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

That can't be Joanestown, there are not enough kids in the picture

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

When I was 6 my mom cutted my hair really short because I had lice and a woman though I was a boy.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Went to look and you're right, June 14, the exact day Boost for reddit stoped working. Now ai use boost for lemmy! :)

MissJinx , (edited )
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

For sure! Went to visit my cousin and she doesn't allow her puppy on her bed... well guess who had company sleeping all week? We snugle out every day! You crazy if you thin I'm gona lose the opotunity to sleep with a dog!

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Don't think, just go for it face first like it was the first meal you had in a month after crash landing in the desert

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Oh I don't plan too, I'm just around while mom is around, don't want her getting sad and stuff

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I have a tuxedo lady that only eats her dry food and don't like anything else... beaides Tuna sashimi and Ham. She'll come runing for it

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

When thing like this happen I raise my flag🏴‍☠️

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

meme sent from my iphone

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

you knoe there isn't only 2 choices right? Thay can both have good and bad sides. Maybe try some mix of it fisrt

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

When you pay for a luxury brand phone it's not you master telling you too, it's you choosing. Don't come at me with the onipotent lord that control all of us.
The system IS broken, captalist is NOT the best for the people but people stiil choose.

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Iphones build by communists btw

MissJinx , (edited )
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

I don't disagree at all! But if you want to scream "milk cpmpanies are bad" don't go buing their product.
I hate people that want to support a cause on the internet but do NOTHING to change it. Usually those are the first ones in line to buy the latest trendy Iphone. Don't be a caplatist if you don't want captalism.

BTW I'm not american. I'm looking from the outside and I only see irony. My country have labour laws and consumer protection and if someone messes with it we make a huge fuzz

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

When you start calling peoples names it's because you know you're.wrong. but ok

MissJinx ,
@MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

Thank you. Kids here trying to justify having Iphones when they could very well have the cheepest phone workable. They screem comunism but want to be better than others.
I don't thino there is a solution because humans are imperfect. No perfect solution will ever exist if a human is responsible for managing it.

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  • MissJinx , (edited )
    @MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

    Your usefulness may not be the one everyone expects. If that fork is pure silver it would be valuable anyways. If it was the only crooked fork on the royal silverware colection it would be even more.

    Maybe look past of what others expect from you

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  • MissJinx ,
    @MissJinx@lemmy.world avatar

    Oh poor baby. My dog had a kidney infection that almost cost her her life and cost me 3k. But it was worth it!

    Your baby is going to be ok in no time!

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