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andrew , avatar

DOT Announces Rule Requiring Automatic Refunds of Airline Tickets and Service Fees for flights that are canceled or delayed more than 3 hours domestically and 6 hours internationally


Kostyeah ,

It is, but after spending like 5 hours arguing with different customer service reps about it I decided that it wasn't worth my time. The company went out of business later anyways.

ZMonster , avatar

Cash or original form of payment: Airlines and ticket agents must provide refunds in cash or whatever original payment method the individual used to make the purchase, such as credit card or airline miles. Airlines may not substitute vouchers, travel credits, or other forms of compensation unless the passenger affirmatively chooses to accept alternative compensation.

andrew , avatar

Dali owner Grace Ocean Private Limited files petition to cap liability in Baltimore bridge collapse at $43.7M


Burn_The_Right ,

I guess this all depends on if the judge is a conservative or if they're a normal human.

plz1 ,

Good point

andrew , avatar

House passes bill that would require ByteDance to either sell TikTok, or get banned in the U.S. Will go to the Senate next.


GlitzyArmrest , avatar

Really happy this is the focus of our highest chambers of government and not passing actual regulations for all social media companies, or you know, giving citizens healthcare.

Substance_P ,

Perhaps it's because the Biden campaign joined TikTok for all that sweet younger voter support.

andrew , avatar

During a presentation by an executive with Google’s Israel branch on Monday, a Google Cloud engineer stood up and shouted, “I refuse to build technology that powers genocide or surveillance.” They were later fired.


FiniteBanjo ,

I assume that user referred to "surveillance" in a broad sense as being more complicated than simply general population data collection. For example, you can be against some data collection, all data collection, no data collection, or other specific circumstances of data collection based on its content or use case.



andrew , avatar

FDA Approves First Medication to Help Reduce Allergic Reactions to Multiple Foods After Accidental Exposure


Pheonixdown ,

Glad they're working on stuff like this, but it seems generally less effective than I've heard OIT is supposed to be, but I wonder if there's any combination that is more effective or safe.

Fondots ,

From the article

Xolair is intended for repeated use to reduce the risk of allergic reactions and is not approved for the immediate emergency treatment of allergic reactions, including anaphylaxis.

Epi Pens are for immediate emergency response for allergic reactions, they aren't preventative in any way.

Epi Pens are basically just a shot of adrenaline, they don't actually act directly on your immune system at all, it's basically just sends an override message to your body to forget about whatever else it's doing and focus on opening up your airways, pumping blood, or whatever else you might need in order to, for example, run from a lion.

Which buys you some time, but you're still probably going to need some treatment or monitoring once the adrenaline wears off, and you're probably going to feel like shit afterwards, and epinephrine isn't without it's own pretty significant risks and side effects.

andrew , avatar

"Since April 2021, the FDA has received more than 116,000 MDRs, including 561 reports of death, reportedly associated with the Phillips CPAP machine foam breakdown."


spiritedpause , avatar

EIA forecasts residential heating costs (natural gas) to be 21% lower than last winter


Aimhere ,

@news whomever runs the News bot, could you please stop boosting every single reply to every last post? I only want to see the initial News posts in my feed, not all of the replies.

CeruleanRuin ,

Boy, it would sure be funny if users decided to just spam this thread with multiple replies about how it’s not a bot thing but just the way Mastodon works with fediverse threads.

JustAManOnAToilet ,

Stands to perfect reason. Lemmings are essentially large rodents, mastadons are essentially large elephants, elephants don’t get along with mice, mastadons don’t get along with lemmings. Science!

idoubtit , avatar
PenguinJuice ,

Project Gateway!!! I hope to see it finished in my lifetime🤞

confluence ,

What is Project Gateway? Looks like lots of projects call themselves that.

andrew , avatar

"Since April 2021, the has received more than 116,000 MDRs, including 561 reports of death, reportedly associated with the machine foam breakdown."


sarahjelm , Swedish avatar
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