Attempting to correct sync with

hungryphrog , avatar

I don't wanna >:(

weeeeum ,

What's up with this woman and leeks?

lessthanluigi ,

The plumbing in my house is coming out brown right now, but I can still get water from bottles

GluWu ,

No. You can't make me. Im gonna smoke a cig and hate myself.

rumschlumpel ,

Tea is good, too.

itsnicodegallo ,

Caffeine can actually dehydrate you. It's why I'm not supposed to drink caffeine before recording voiceover.

NickwithaC , avatar

There are teas with no caffeine in them. Not like decaf, actually different tea leaves.

itsnicodegallo ,

That's something different then. Tea is called tea because it's made from tea (Camellia sinensis).

rumschlumpel ,

Sorry, I wasn't going to look up what the non-tea plant thing that is usually called 'tea' is actually called, just for this thread.

zarkanian , avatar

There's decaf tea, like there's decaf coffee, but it's still camellia sinensis.

Now, if you're talking about herbal tea, there are a bajillion different kinds: rooibos, chamomile, lavender, etc. Some herbal teas do have caffeine (such as yerba mate), but most do not.

itsnicodegallo ,

I fux hard with chamomile and yerba mate for completely opposite reasons from each other.

zarkanian , avatar

This is largely a myth. While it's true that caffeine is a diuretic, the effect on hydration is very small. This is especially true for tea, which has minimal amounts of caffeine. Hospitals are not full of people who got dehydrated from drinking too much coffee or even energy drinks.

Do a web search for "caffeine dehydration myth" (no quotes). There are lots of articles on the topic.

Cethin ,

As long as you drink water when your body wants water you'll be good. It doesn't matter how much you urinate. Your body know how to take care of itself. Just listen to it.

TheCheddarCheese , avatar

Missed opportunity to throw magical cure love shot miku in

Dasnap , avatar

So if I'm straight, I can keep drinking my Monster, right?

EdibleFriend , avatar
desktop_user ,

What if I don't know my sexuality? Can I continue drinking nothing but monster ultra, Celsius, and monster java?

TwoBeeSan ,

Until your next ulcer. Then you gotta suck cock. Sorry don't make the rules.

Dasnap , avatar

Can I suck some cock as a preventative measure?

RavuAlHemio ,

is it enough if I do one of those things?

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