Sop ,

That would be such a turn off for me. Have way too many bad experiences with insecure partners

ErKaf ,

This looks insecure because he "saves" but well its just a joke and you actually need to be very secure to risk ruining your question with this joke if she doesn't get it. He isn't saving, he is risking more for a joke. This man is very secure.

Sop ,

In my experience that’s not how it works. Insecure partners are often very open about how insecure they are

Zoop ,

Agreed (with this comment and your previous one.)

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

It's literally a joke. You are clearly not the target audience. I think it's funny, and any girl dropping that on me while we're talking would be a good choice lol. If you can't even see this as the joke it is, you must be fun at parties.

Sop ,

Sorry I wasn’t aware that the fun police would be here to gatekeep the comments lmao. I’m just making conversation, sharing my experiences. It’s not that serious.

I know it’s a joke, it just reminded me of the people I knew who would do such things irl and I cringed because of how bad partners they were.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

You are using a silly, stupid joke to completely label someone you know nothing about. This isn't gatekeeping its just an opinion on your opinion. That's all I'm saying on the matter.

Sop ,

I’m not labelling anyone? You’re the one who seems to make pretty harsh conclusions based on very little information. I’m just sharing my experiences. Read our conversation back and you’ll find a stark difference in tone between my comments and yours.

p5yk0t1km1r4ge , avatar

My tone isn't something I'm denying here. I am annoyed at your response because it comes off very, very judging. This is a pick up line I would use. I'm in a very healthy relationship. Your judginess isn't a good look, and I don't like it. Nothing further to discuss here. It's fine if you disagree, this is the internet after all.

TotallynotJessica , avatar

Me: "Do you have any coffee cake left?"

Starbucks Employee: "Sorry, just the one that's sitting on display"


BenchpressMuyDebil ,

Would you like to go on a date with me?

Eww no

puts on fedora hat and sunglasses +2 CHR
consumes every drug in inventory
accidentally takes psycho

Would you like to go on a date with me?

ErKaf ,

Well what's her answer now?

Enkrod , avatar

fedora hat and sunglasses


a_wild_mimic_appears ,

becomes hostile

BenchpressMuyDebil ,

Heh, scared of the sight of your own blood?

Titou , avatar

That's big green flag to me

germanatlas , avatar

It would be if it’s a NV quicksave

Titou , avatar

You can change the HUD to green on NV

germanatlas , avatar

Yeah but yellow looks better for nv

derpgon ,

I mean, FO3 or NV, both are green flags. Now, 76 would be huge red flag lol.

Kolanaki , avatar

What Morty-esque way would you inevitably still fuck up whilst having the ability to quicksave? I'd end up hitting the button as I fell over trying to get out of the way of a moving car so loading the save just results in a looping death.

Technus ,

TFW you end up in an accident which leaves you in a persistent vegetative state and you forgot to sign a DNR so your family just keeps you alive like that instead of letting you die so you can reload your save.

Kidplayer_666 ,

I mean, when you eventually died, you’d get back to your last save, and since you’re unconscious, it would still feel like nothing

Technus ,

But what if you're conscious the whole time (locked-in syndrome instead of vegetative state)?

laurelraven ,

Then you'll have a lot of time to plot your revenge

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

I had a looping death quicksave once in Skyrim that lost me hours of progress

Kolanaki , avatar

I intentionally turn off the menu autosave because the way that one works is that it saves whenever you open the inventory/map/whatever if it has been X time since the last save, so it has a huge chance of auto saving when you're opening the inventory to see if you have any health potions/food.

LinkOpensChest_wav , avatar

I always disabled that too because autosaving was buggy. If I recall correctly, I knew I was going to die and hadn't saved in a while, so I quickly smashed F5 hoping to save my progress, but instead got put in that loop.

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