Attempting to correct sync with

Porka_911 ,

Chrome does have a use, namely Selenium and automation.

I’m guilty of having Chrome on my PC, as I need to nerf over my favourites to Firefox.

Firefox is my browser of choice on my Google Pixel 7, but then again no doubt it makes little difference.

I just choose to use a VPN, so any targeted adverts are blocked regardless of the profile built up from my browsing habits.

peanutdust ,

i use 5 browsers 3 of them are based on firefox

AteshgaRubyTeeth ,

I have too use Edge at work. Is Edge also implementing this shit?

SkySyrup ,

edge is chromium based so yes

fatalError ,

At work I guess you only do work related stuff, so at the end of the day it's only work-related data that the browser has access to. Why would it matter to you?

99.9% of my the personal browsing I do is in firefox both on phone and desktop, but on work laptop I use Edge because 1. the work web-apps seem to favour chromium based browsers and 2. it's not my data so I don't really care about the privacy of my company's data, they have a data privacy officer to worry about that.

avater , avatar

what are some necessary addons besides ublock?

fatalError ,

Dark reader - for dark mode everywhere

Decentreyes - for avoiding CDNs that track you

Sponsorblock - to skip sponsored parts on youtube

Enhancer for youtube - for a nicer overall experience, specific quality setting by default, scroll wheel volume, and more

ciberConas3000 ,

I recently did the switch, pretty similar in terms of experience. Only thing I can point out about firefox is that chrome’s page translator is faster and more efficient. I’m using the Google translate extension, if someone knows off a better one.

Lightor ,

I would love to and have tried. But I’ve found too many times that Firefox just doesn’t work for some sites. And unfortunately some of those sites are needed for my work.

philluminati ,

Windows 11 requires TPM 2.0 to be enabled. With this, Microsoft and Chrome have built a complete end to end DRM to the BIOS and hardware level.

This gives the end users nothing but is wonderful for Hollywood.

passably9 ,

Chrome just werks

variants_of_concern ,

Firefox when you want it to work bester

plutolink , avatar

Thankfully, I’ve been about Firefox since 2006. People can use what they like, but it does ache me inside seeing someone use Chrome, logged in with the yellow “Update” icon at the top right, an unholy trinity.

plutolink , avatar

Thank you for reminding me of Librewolf, I haven’t brought myself to install it yet. I wanted to move my profile over, too, though I’m unsure how seamless that would be (it’s worked with other forks I’ve tried, so maybe it’s easy).


No worries. To be honest, I haven’t tried it. I just saved my bookmarks, uBlock filters, NoScript settings, and then imported it all in. I’m definitely going to try to create a profile in the future to, hopefully, make that process a little easier. haha

Slopz ,

Vivaldi > Chrome

JuliusSeizure ,

TOR browser is built off of Firefox and is even more private.

raistlin ,

True, but it is insanely slow, and blacklisted by many websites.


And you shouldn’t use it for anything sensitive. Anonymous browsing is great, but since you don’t control the exit node, the average user isn’t guaranteed absolute security.

clutchmatic ,

And you really need to trust Tor exit nodes

JuliusSeizure , and Mull at are good options as well if you rather not use TOR.

raistlin ,

Yeah I use both

rarely , avatar

This kid is a dumb pile of shit. I recommend everyone block him.

JuliusSeizure ,

Seems someone forgot their meds.

LazlowsBAWSAQ ,

What’s wrong with Brave? Does this effect Brave?

seananigans ,

Isn’t brave having its own controversy right now?

Hudell ,

Is it ever not having one? Brave is one of the shittier browser companies out there.

LazlowsBAWSAQ ,

Lol so true!

Yeah but there is an Adblock build in and I can covert whatever shit coin they give me each month to bitcoin.

HiddenLayer5 , avatar

Privacy washing. It’s like buying carbon credits from Shell.

Slopz ,

Brave is ass. Use Vivaldi if you want a Chromium browser that’s actually good.

randon31415 ,

I switched back when I was in college - which is strange because it came out one year after I left. I also remember having to take a class on how to use Google in my first year of college - which gives you a hint how long ago it was.

Kylamon1 ,

My biggest issue with FF is the lack of the ability to switch accounts easily. In Chrome I have a work account, a home account, and a side hustle account. Each has their own bookmarks, themes, passwords, and history.

I have tried using FF and the few workarounds to match this feature, but so far it has none worked as smoothly as chromes 2 button clicks to switch accounts.

Sauloto , avatar

there’s an extention to do that, i believe is called “account switcher” is 3 clicks but… better than nothing

evranch ,

Container tabs? They are an official extension but for some reason don’t come pre-installed. I use them extensively for exactly this. Also they are great for paywall evasion, as they don’t count as incognito browsing but can be created and destroyed in seconds.

HiddenLayer5 , (edited ) avatar

You can have full on separate profiles in Firefox with no common data between them! Accounts, cookies, settings, extensions and their data, even configuration flags and where the profile folder is located on your computer can be customized for each profile! You can even have multiple profiles open simultaneously. Check out about:profiles

MixedRaceHumanAI ,

Firefox has Container Tabs, where you can separate your personal, banking, work etc. Aside of that, they are completely separate sets of cookies used. You don’t need to open new window.

graphed_pingu , avatar

You can always use firefox’s profiles to manage different profiles and the “profile switcher for Firefox” extension. 2 clicks to change profile that way.

Drye ,

Would be awesome if my company allowed to run anything but edge…

Frostwolf OP , avatar

Any browser really. I missed the browser wars of old where everyone is free to use and defend their browsers.

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