ResoluteCatnap ,

People who spread hatred are offended and want this censored? Oh, fuck off.

It's a brilliant piece of art with a powerful, true message.

GlassHalfHopeful , avatar

I hope this is used responsibly by folks here, but it turns out that you can leave comments on the art piece to encourage Abby. I believe it's screened by her parents first, of course. Here is the link:

SupraMario ,

Hmmm separation of church and state...sounds like the school board needs to take their christian bullshit with them when they're all fired...

PowerCrazy ,

She should have started with something that the school board agreed with. Showing how "intolerant" Islam is, and then creating an easy direct link of those beliefs to Christianity. Make them out to be both fools AND hypocrites while at the same time condemning the cancer of religion as a whole. For bonus points, go from Islam -> Judaism -> Christianity.

captainlezbian ,

It’s hard for me to care that they’re offended given how many of my siblings they drive to suicide every year.

Good art, great message, it certainly hit me hard

GlassHalfHopeful , (edited ) avatar

I honestly wish there was some way to convey to the artist how far reaching their art has become through shared stories such as this.

UPDATE: there is:

some_guy ,

I want to contribute to her art supply fund. I wish such a fund existed. What a badass.

MiraculousMM , avatar

Hilarious the way they try to pretend this response isn't because they're fundamentally Christofascists:

By allowing torn pages from the Holy Bible to be the canvass of a clearly anti-Christian message, we are opening the door to all religious texts for all religious faiths to be subject to being treated the same way. Imagine if these were torn pages from a Koran (Islam), Talmud (Jewish), or religous texts of any other faith.

I have a strong feeling if that were the case, Mike, you wouldn't give a shit and would probably even approve of it

njm1314 ,

It's a very powerful piece of art too

JoMiran , avatar

The hubris of the school board to think that the almighty god would ever need their help to defend him from a teenager's painting is appalling.

How can anyone reconcile an "almighty god" with a god that can't survive being exposed to men kissing?

SuddenDownpour ,

Of course, they're not really trying to protect God, they're trying to protect their own fragile minds, which would have to do a lot of work the moment people are allowed to freely call them out in their bullshit.

stembolts ,


originalucifer Admin ,
originalucifer avatar

im somewhat glad they over-reacted. it's a great big spotlight on where the problem really exists.... in their own, brainwashed minds.

religion is the crutch of a weak mind

GlassHalfHopeful , avatar

I love it. 💜🏳️‍🌈

A powerful piece of art by which the overreaction by a sad few only further illustrates its truth.

May the Darkness be exposed to the Light.
May the Sickness be healed.

ColeSloth ,

That's an awesome looking art piece. With this publicity she could sell that for a good chunk of change and kick off a career. Probably going to get a scholarship offer or two out of it as well.

Nougat ,

So it worked. Good job, Ms. Driscoll.

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